Saturday, February 04, 2006


An excellent nightcap

So here I am with the rare Saturday post. Last night we had dinner at the Carnegie Deli. A friend who has lived in NY for almost a year but has never eaten there wanted to give it a shot. It is a must see at least once and it is quite the tourist spot. The cover all the bases:

1) Big name and reputation? Check!

2) Walls plastered with autographs of celebrities whether famous, infamous, well-known, or has-been? Check!

3) Gruff NYC waiters? Check!

4) Massive amounts of food at NYC prices? Check!

5) Tables packed too close for comfort? Check!

Basically its got the whole "only in New York" type of experience going for it. I had the burger (which was quite good - they grind their own meat). I haven't been there in 18 years and I imagine it will probably be another 18 before I go back or if any relatives want to experience it.

Getting home, I had a little nightcap, which was from the Beer of the Month Club shipment. I will write about them after I get a couple of more shipments but I was happy about this one.

49) Coopers Vintage Ale - I really enjoyed this. Pours a cloudy amber with sediment at the end. RESPECT THE SEDIMENT! Very enticing to look at. Aroma was complex. You could somewhat smell the alcohol (7.5%) so there was a faint whiskey-ish character to it. But what I really got out of the aromas was candy apples. Flavors of caramel and grain breads dominate, along with fruity hints.

I have 2 bottles of this left, but I will give one as a gift to the maker of what will be beer #50. For those who couldn't guess it is a homebrewed concoction. The freeze is on until then. No new beers until tomorrow's Super Bowl party. I am looking forward to the beer more than the game, but I hope Pittsburgh wins. As a Giant fan, I am bitter about their loss in Seattle over the season, so I wish them failure.

49 new beers down and 316 to go. Enjoy your weekend and the game. Don't forget to drink responsibly. And if you can't drink responsibly, crash on your host's sofa, not in your car.

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