Sunday, May 14, 2006



Okay, so going forward I am going to try to put a photo of each beer that I drink. I'm about 40% done with the overall goal so if I start now and I can at least say I posted a majority of my beers with photos.

I started drinking this one already when it occured to me I should take the photo. I still need a better digital camera and a newer, smaller one that I can carry around with me.

Right now Police Academy is on Comedy Central. What a classic 80s comedy. The scene of Commandant Lassard getting a BJ from the hooker during his slideshow then seeing Mahoney come out from under the podium is priceless.

156) Utenos - Labas! Labas = hello in Lithuanian. That is one of 2 words that I know but when I used to attend Lithuanian summer camp I was able to sing the national anthem, which I have since forgotten. This beer is from Lithuania and I picked it up yesterday at Beer Garden on Hillside Ave. Being half-Lithuanian I picked up a bottle of this for my mother as well as a Mother's Day present. This is also the free glass I got. It has a Michelob Ultra logo on it but big deal, it was free. This is your run of the mill lager style beer but as you can see the pour is quite hazy and it is not overly carbonated. Its nice to have a lager of some depth for a change. Yeasty aromas dominate... nice change over the standard corn smell of most macro lagers. The taste is almost like a hefeweizen.

Utenos - from Lithuania Posted by Picasa

156 down and 209 to go! There will be more drinking today as I watch the Mets game but I don't know if I'll post right away or not.

That haziness is called "chill haze". It comes from not cooling down the wort quickly enough after the boil, allowing certain proteins to remain dissolved in the beer instead of solidifying and being filtered out. So, when the finished beer is then cooled in your refrigerator, these proteins finally solidify and float around in the beer and make it hazy. You can't taste them, so it's not a huge deal, but beer judges frown upon it.
For some reason I just seem to love the way it looks though. If not for haze on this it would have been clear as a Bud.
Totally. It seems like one of those things that is frowned upon by the academics but is really not a bad thing at all. Like writing in the passive voice or having musical tracks bleed on to each other.
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