Monday, August 21, 2006


Post #100

So on Thursday night... I decided to go home instead of the Hop Devil Grill for the Southern Tier event. But I did send an email about it to my friends in case they were interested.

One was.

I got home, checked my voicemail and he was on his way downtown to the Hop Devil. Oh man... what to do....

I went back into Manhattan.

Southern Tier is a NY microbrewery based out of Lakewood, NY. There were 5 beers featured on tap, and of them, I only previously tried the IPA. A good crowd was on-hand for the event.

Upon arrival at the Hop Devil, I quickly ordered the flight and a cheeseburger for dinner.

From left to right (IPA, Phin & Matt's Extraordinary Ale, Tripel, Hop Sun, Un*Earthly Imperial IPA)

241) Southern Tier Hop Sun - The Hop Sun is an American style wheat beer and it is the best I have ever had. The aroma was very floral and vibrant. Lots of lemony citrus on the nose as well. Perfectly balanced with a crisp finish. I got another pint of this later on in the night.

242) Southern Tier Phin & Matts Extraordinary Ale - An American pale ale. Pretty good APA. Aroma was sweet with a hint of bread. I wish when you order the flight they would give you some crackers to cleanse your palate, like they would at a winery. After the awesomeness of the Hop Sun, the Extraordinary Ale kinda tasted ordinary, but I could tell it was not a bad brew at all.

243) Southern Tier Un*Earthly Imperial IPA - Piney aromas from the abundant hops come first. The taste is very balanced, however, and not overpoweringly bitter.

244) Southern Tier Tripel - I'll be honest and say I didn't really like this one. I thought it was a poor version of an abbey tripel. Most of the complexities mentioned in the description didn't come through.

I could have had more new beers but I think that was good progress, plus I wanted raffle tickets! A flight of Southern Tier beers got you 3 tickets while a pint of any Southern Tier beer got you 1. We had a ton of tickets on the table.

They were raffling off 2 Yankees tickets, and though I'm not a Yankee fan and hate the Yankees, I like to win.

My streak of raffles won ended at 2.

Some lucky dude walked in, got a pint, and wound up winning. Lucky bastard.

Oh well, he didn't get to enjoy the amount of beers that we did.

244 down and 121 to go. I still have several beers to blog from this past weekend... check back again tomorrow.

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